What Are the Lucky Colors for All Zodiac Signs?

Colors have a tremendous influence on our emotions, habits, and even our luck.  


The fiery and powerful Aries is motivated by passion and boldness. Aries' fortunate colors are red and fiery tones such as orange and yellow. 


Taurus, an earth sign, is recognized for its stability, dependability, and sensuous inclination. Taurus' lucky colors are green and earthy tones. 


Gemini, an air sign, is known for its adaptability, curiosity, and quick wit. Gemini's fortunate colors are yellow and light blue. 


Cancer, the water sign, is highly intuitive, nurturing, and emotionally sensitive. Cancer's fortunate colors are white, silver, and pale blue.  


Leos are charming, confident, and natural born leaders. Leo's fortunate colors include gold, orange, and rich shades of red.  


Virgo, an earth sign, is recognized for its realism, attention to detail, and analytical thinking. Virgo's lucky colors are navy blue and earthy tones.  


Libra, an air sign, is known for its peaceful disposition, diplomacy, and aesthetic appreciation. Libra's fortunate colors are pastel blue and pink. 


Scorpio, the water sign, is passionate, mysterious, and very emotional. Scorpio's lucky colors include deep crimson, black, and dark purple. 


Sagittarius is a fire sign that represents adventure, optimism, and philosophy. Sagittarius' fortunate colors are purple, royal blue, and vivid yellow.  


Capricorn, an earth sign, is noted for its ambition, realism, and strict attitude. Capricorn's fortunate colors include brown, dark green, and charcoal gray. 


Aquarius, the air sign, is creative, intellectual, and motivated by a strong sense of social justice. Aquarius' fortunate colors are electric blue, turquoise, and silver.  


Pisces, the water sign, is sensitive, inventive, and very perceptive. Pisces' fortunate colors are marine green, lavender, and light blue. 

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar