Weekly Chinese Horoscope, July 14-20, 2024; Three Chinese zodiac signs to be wary  


The Rat may find the week beginning July 14, 2024 tough. Despite their remarkable flexibility, rats may face problems at work that hamper their growth.   

Tight deadlines or increased responsibilities may cause them to feel worried and frustrated.  

To overcome these challenges, rats must effectively arrange their time and seek assistance from their teammates.   

Rabbits may struggle this week due to unforeseen obstacles in both personal and professional spheres.  


Rabbits may struggle to stay on top of tasks at work if they feel pressured by unexpected changes or increased obligations.   

To avoid fatigue, rabbits should be organized and prioritize their responsibilities.   

Monkeys are likely to have a bad week beginning July 14, as they may face obstacles and dissatisfaction.   


Monkeys may encounter delays or problems in their professional endeavors, causing them to get discouraged.  

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