The Real Reason You Can't Move On

You've been on the road to recovery for some time, and so far, so good. Sure, you've cut ties with those harmful relationships.   

You still don't feel completely cured, though.  

What gives? Because of what? Why don't you just get over it and improve your situation?  

In life, what is it that is really limiting your potential and keeping you from reaching your full potential?  

Dr. Aria Campbell Danesh, a psychologist, explains why it's so hard to get over a hurtful experience.  

It is natural to feel sad after ending a relationship or severing contact with a toxic relative.  

Loss of what you once had is natural and naturally difficult to bear. Nevertheless, it is purposeful to feel this anguish.  

Since, as Dr. Danesh puts it, "The pain of losing someone you love is unlike anything else." Furthermore, it may sting like a knife wound that takes a long time to mend.  

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