The Luckiest Day Of The Month In August 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign

With the dwarf planet Ceres transiting Capricorn on Monday, August 26, you have the opportunity to start looking after yourself and your success, Aries dear. 


Accept all the due recognition of the bulls coming your way. The Aquarius Full Moon on Monday, August 19, shines a light of progress in your professional career 


There is no time like the present moment when you can fully decide to live your dreams, dear Gemini. The energy of Aquarius rules your house of wealth, often bringing opportunities 


Finances seem to be a recent topic in your life, Cancer. As you have networks in the process of creating a new life it seems like you also aren’t feeling incredibly optimistic 


Take some time to review what really makes your life better, dear Leo. Mercury, the ruler of your house of values, will be retrograde in Virgo for the first half of the month 


You’ve been on a journey to discover what balance means in your life, Virgo. Not just within you, but between your far-reaching dreams and your own desire for a stable, loving, sustainable life. 



You’re in a precarious position, Libra, because you’re getting so many signals from the world, but the question is whether you’re listening at all. 


Believe me, Scorpio, that life is different and better than you previously imagined. You’ve got new opportunities arising in your professional life, whether it’s a new role at your existing job 


To make your favorite, you first have to figure out what that arrow is. As a Zodiac Explorer, you like to try many different approaches to see what life has to offer and make sure there is something better waiting 


The universe always has the last laughing shark because the best moments in life are the ones that can never be planned. Instead of feeling like you can see the road ten feet ahead


May you find love again in your life, Aquarius. Just because things seem hard right now, doesn't mean you shouldn't feel wonderful about everything you've dreamed 


Pisces in order to manifest divine dreams, you also must never give up hope of fulfilling them. The First Moon in Scorpio on Monday, August 12 emphasizes the need to recommit to your dreams 

Good Fortune Befalls Four Zodiac Signs on July 24, 2024