The 5 Zodiac Signs Upsetting Their Lives This Full Moon
Another lunar cycle has ended, and July 21 will bring a lovely full moon.
The full moon symbolizes communal release: startling revelations and a longing to clean house.
Full moons remind me to clean my apartment. As I physically wash away the dust and grime, expectations, anxiety, and tension lift.
Your profession, reputation, and legacy will be highlighted by the Capricorn full moon. Previous information may aggravate an old wound.
Your practicality and forthright approach to life give you firm values when others may be flighty. The full moon is revealing new experiences that modify your worldview.
This full moon will illuminate your shadow. With the moon in Capricorn, you may feel catastrophic or overwhelmed. So escape the world and enter your mind.
How do you set limits with others and take time for yourself? This full moon mirrors many relationship concerns from last month.
A new habit takes three weeks to form and one to break. A bad habit is hard to break, but the new moon can help.
4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar