Tarot Horoscopes on One Card for Every Zodiac Sign on July 1, 2024  

The Chariot is the sign of lovely Cancer, where the Sun will be on Monday. 'Hang in there, and don't give up until you attain your ambitions,' is the general theme of Cancer season.   


You do not have to be the 'choose me' type. You can only wait so long for someone to notice your interest in them.   

The loss of something significant typically evokes intense emotions. Rather than ignoring negative emotions, it is best to process what has occurred so that you can go forward.   


Everything in life has a beginning and an end date, even unpleasant effects. Each moral and decent decision you make moves you forward.   


You can do anything you set your mind to, including organizing the trip of your dreams.    


Self-awareness and self-knowledge are crucial in whatever you do. You want to know in your heart that your acts are meaningful.  


You don't 'hate people', but you wish the human race would be more kind and thoughtful of others.   


You do a lot for others, and now it's time to step aside and let them do it for themselves.    


A piece of your history is valuable, but when you become nostalgic, it might transport you to a moment when you wished you had the knowledge you now have.    


You can know someone until one day you realize you don't know them well at all. A person in your life may show you the face you want to see 


You have a sharp, intelligent mind, so when dealing with problems, don't let confusion lead you to think otherwise.  


What didn't work out the way you hoped it would? A failure is not always what it looks. You could have received spiritual protection or guidance to pursue your life's goal.   


Surround yourself with wonderful people. It's much easier to fall into a habit in which your pals are exactly like you and don't question your beliefs or thoughts.    


4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar