cOnce you've read about the distinctive personality traits of this zodiac sign, see this month's Scorpio horoscope.
For many of my patients with sleep disorders, overthinking during the night is a common issue,
whether it be related to insomnia or other issues. It makes it difficult for them to go asleep or wake up, and when they can't sleep at all, it keeps them from resting peacefully.
Thinking patterns like racing thoughts or perseverance are typically associated with overthinking.
The content might also be maladaptive, such as anxieties or the responsibilities of the next day.
, generalized anxiety disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or hypomania could be the driving force behind it.
Intense experiences like stress, big plans, anxiety, perfectionism, caffeine use, or a traumatic or unsettling life event can also trigger it.
. We insomnia specialists try to have available sizable and diverse tool kits that address cause or manifestation without sacrificing specificity.
Irrespective of tools, there are some general principles that may help with overthinking: