One Word to Eliminate for 99% More Happiness 

I need to take my automobile to the wash. Bills need to be paid. Eat less, please. On weekends, I should get less sleep.  

Every day, we are bombarded with "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts."  

Do shoulds lead us to happiness or do they keep us on the narrow road to goodness?   

Could you tell me what "shoulds" are and their origin?   

We can certainly connect them to the first sacred set, the Ten Commandments, but I'd be surprised if the "shoulds" didn't arise earlier.  

When we get to a consensus as a society about the way the world is or could be, we form a should, yet this consensus could vary between cultures and centuries.  

When compared to Republicans, Democrats hold various "shoulds" about global affairs.  

The "shoulds" that judge us morally divide believers and nonbelievers. The "shoulds" of your friends and family can be completely at odds with those of your neighbor.   

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