How the July 21, 2024 Capricorn Full Moon Will Affect You  

In summer, it's easy to want to take a break from pushing yourself to achieve your goals and instead....

...enjoy more fun, relaxing activities like vacationing with family or relaxing in the sun with friends. 

A go-getter full moon in Capricorn—the second of the year—arrives a month after the last lunar event in the sign of the Sea Goat, which may inspire you this month. 

Welcome to another full moon in your career zone, which may inspire you to lead, lead a huge project, or ask for more recognition.  

What full moon in Capricorn means for Aries

With this full moon in your adventure sector, you should check your beliefs and ideologies. Reassessing or upgrading your perspective may be necessary 

What full moon in Capricorn means for Taurus

This full moon illuminates your intimacy sector, so prepare to explore your deepest emotions. It's all about discovering what you need to feel safer, happier, and closer to loved ones. 

What full moon in Capricorn means for Gemini

This full moon is in your partnership zone, so focus on your romantic, platonic, or professional relationships. 

What full moon in Capricorn means for Cancer

With this full moon in your health zone, you may be exhausted by your daily hustle or wellness routine and decide to change things up to feel more balanced and centered. 

What full moon in Capricorn means for Leo

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar