How Neptune Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Love Horoscope July 3, 2024
Aries, try to understand that the filter is created not only by love, but also by your own hurts.
Taurus, you can receive some unwanted gossip from a friend today.
Gemini, it may feel as if your world has been turned upside down.
There will always be reality check-ins on your road to create something new, Cancer.
It can be difficult when you thought you were making a deeply deep connection, Leo, only to discover that the other person may not have had the best intentions.
You can do everything correctly, Virgo, but that doesn't guarantee that love will go as planned.
Divine testing await you as you strive to prioritize yourself and establish healthy boundaries, Libra.
Scorpio, it's time to be more ruthless. Focusing so intently on oneself makes you worry if you're being selfish.
Everything may have felt like it was ticking along beautifully, Sagittarius.
Capricorn, in order to continue building the relationship and life of your desires, you must remain positive.
Dear Aquarius, it may be beneficial for you to think on what you require from your spouse in order to feel truly valued.
Dear Pisces, being the romantic of the zodiac, it can be difficult to recognize that love is more than a dream.
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