four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe.On July 28, 2024,  

The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus occurs on July 28, and while that may not sound like much, astrologically, for us down here on the pale blue dot,  

day of great blessings, and we will see this blessing manifest for four zodiac signs in our horoscopes.  

What could a blessing be? It may take the form of avoidance, as in declining an invitation only to discover later that whatever we were invited to was a disaster.  

olding information or refusing to do something.   

Because it is a Last Quarter Moon in Taurus, we are dealing with waning energy, which manifests itself in the form of blessings that keep us out of an uncomfortable situation.  

As previously stated, this day is about withholding rather than proceeding, and you'll discover that staying at home is actually beneficial to you  


you don't have the strength to get involved in this one thing that appears to be putting you under constant pressure. You will reject this on July 28 and be glad you did.  


You will receive blessings from the universe as a result of the Quarter Moon in Taurus. How such a thing will manifest as a blessing is based on the idea that on this day, you will say a firm 'no' to a situation that wanted you to say "yes."  


You are always very sensitive to the Moon's powers, and when it wanes, you notice the natural ebb and flow of the universe. You may feel drained of energy right now,  


4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar