Cosmic Guidance Arrives! 4 Zodiac Signs Receiving Crucial Messages on July 2, 2024 

There's a lot of Neptune energy coming our way, and one of these Neptunes coincides with the planet's retrograde, which means that four zodiac signs will not only receive signs from the universe  

but we'll be thinking about what they get for many days. While each sign will mean something different to each person, the entire day will be dedicated to reflection and contemplation.  

Whatever sign you see today, know that it is meant for you to think about before making any hasty decisions.  

The lineup of astrology transits on July 2, 2024 is vast and influential, setting the stage for four zodiac signs to receive some very personal'signs' directly from the universe.   

You may not realize you are overcompensating these days, which is why a retrograde transit can be beneficial to you. You are presenting an inauthentic version of yourself.   


This means you must devise a strategy for clearly defining and maintaining your boundaries. This is how Neptune retrograde affects your world. It demonstrates how to define borders.  


It's July, and everything seems sparkly new, and whatever you were thinking about in June doesn't seem as prevalent now.  

. Scorpio

. This is business-related and may have something to do with backing out of a previously made commitment. The universe is waving a red flag for you, telling you to 'back away.' 


4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar