All About July's Full Buck Moon and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign
Aries, increase your ambition! "Now could bring a major payoff in regards to your hard work," Thomas forecasts.
Taurus, you're moving so fast! Prepare to embrace a sense of expansion and adventure.
Embrace your sensitivity right now, Gemini. "The truth in union will be here to face now," Thomas continues.
Cancer, your power now lies in union. "Partnership will be your most important focus right now," says Thomas.
You're moving like a productive machine, Leo! Around the full moon, you're on top form.
The stars are beaming with wonderful energy for you right now, Virgo. "Magic and romance are in the air for you right now," Thomas says.
Take a look at your home and family, Libra. Thomas predicts that your domestic life "will be especially important now," particularly if you're organizing an event, inviting family over, or even planning a transfer or remodeling.
Scorpio, you appear to be set to skyrocket right now! "The world is listening to you even more than usual now as your mind and communication talents are especially peaked," Thomas informs us.
Sagittarius, may much fortune come your way! "Money is coming in and out quite quickly now," adds Thomas, so take note.
You are now royalty, Capricorn. It's time to express yourself and jump into the limelight!
Aquarius, you should slow your roll right now. Thomas believes the cosmos is asking you to "cool your jets" and "rest and recharge."
"You'll be feeling eager to connect with many people," Thomas informs you. If you want to network, he suggests "expanding your crew or asking a favor from someone in your community because you're quite in luck."
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