5 Zodiacs Who Can’t Go A Day Without Coffee

It is a well-known maxim that in life, the race is won not by the speedy or the strong, but by the person who consumes the most caffeine.   

If you're feeling sluggish, aimless, or sleepy, coffee is the perfect method to put a spring in your step and a glide in your stride.   

Americans drink 400 million cups of coffee per day. Coffee is the second most popular liquid among Americans, trailing only water—and not far behind.    

The Ram, which represents Aries, might just as easily be the Starbucks emblem.   

1. Aries 

As a fixed fire sign controlled by the sun and represented by the Lion, Leo has an almost cartoonishly aggressive demeanor.    

2. Leo 

Sagittarius, the third fire sign on our list of java enthusiasts, is ruled by Jupiter, the most gigantic planet and ruler of the ninth house of new horizons.    

3. Sagittarius 

Capricorn is "The Hardest Working Goat in the Zodiac," similar to how soul musician James Brown was regarded as "The Hardest Working Man in Show Business."    

4. Capricorn 

The Twins are controlled by Mercury, the planet of communication.    

5. Gemini 

They are drawn to unusual and eccentric travel experiences that allow them to exhibit their personality and humanitarian values.    

Good Fortune Befalls Four Zodiac Signs on July 24, 2024