5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On June 29, 2024, When Saturn Retrograde Begin.  

The message and topic for Saturday, June 29, 2024 is that those who put in the effort will always get the benefits in the end.   


Pisces, the energy for you on Saturday is pleasant and dreamy, with a hint of creative intimacy for those in committed relationships.  

Allow your enthusiasm and sense of humor to shine through the day. You'll be pleasantly pleased by the energy you get in return.  


On Saturday, Aries should keep their secrets to themselves and avoid being overly excited.  


Leo, luck and love will be on your side this Saturday. That is both your cosmic blessing and your challenge.   


Cancer, you have greater strength and capability than you may realize.   


Taurus, you have the ability to create magic on Saturday. Do not let it go to waste!   

If you focus on the areas in which you need support and good fortune, your blessings will flow there. 

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar