This transit will benefit us in a variety of ways, including financial ones.
According to our horoscopes, we are under a strong positive influence: the Moon is conjunct Jupiter.
Jupiter's energy expands what we already have and gives us the opportunity to incorporate new benefits into our lives
An era can last a very long time, especially when Jupiter is what causes it to 'become.'
Four zodiac signs will take the ball and run with it, implying that this is only Day One of the fortunate era.
You'll start to see how you've just been handed something great.
Your mind no longer holds you back, as you've come to befriend that inner voice of yours. You are no longer attached to the idea that you'll 'fail' or you're 'not good enough.'
During Moon conjunct Jupiter on Wednesday, you will be in touch with your higher nature. What this really means for you, Sagittarius, is that 'all things fall into place.'
Still, you feel that you can only be true to yourself and that in doing so, you can create your kind of peace, regardless of how others perceive you.
you'll see that sticking by your standards is what brings you the greatest joy.
4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar