3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Luck In Love On July 1, 2024

Given that twin fish symbolize this sign, it is reasonable that we would find someone who balances us out during a Pisces moon.    

Because this is a very giving transit, the Pisces moon energy on  July 1st, allows us to meet someone who swims the same seas as ourselves. Three zodiac signs in particular find their own aspirations and desires in someone else.  

Why will you meet the perfect person on July 1, 2024? Because Gemini, you've stopped wanting to meet them. Your dreams are drawn to you because you're not attached to the results. A transit like this Pisces moon will benefit you.   

1. Gemini 

The less attached you are to the outcome, the easier it is for there to be one, and as a 'twin' sign, you're susceptible to Pisces' dualistic energy, so this is the day you meet someone unexpected and perfect for you. Gemini, be open, don't judge, and flow with this. Everything's good.   

Trying to define the perfect person will lead to an ideal so ludicrous that you'll laugh at yourself.   

2. Libra 

The Pisces moon on Wednesday, July 1, brings you someone who may not be your 'type.'   This is when you fall in love despite your particular love life guidelines. You'll transcend your checklist items and let it happen.   

You aren't always that open to the idea of checking out 'someone new' as you've pretty much given up on the idea that anyone is good enough for you.  

3. Pisces 

Pisces, you meet someone on July 1 who solves all your problems. Don't say 'no' to this opportunity—we don't all receive silver platters! The Pisces moon is knocking on your door—let it in. Love overcomes your resistance. Let it in.   

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar