Happiness Peaks For 3 Zodiac Signs During Mercury Opposite Pluto On July 3, 2024

On July 3, when Mercury's presence and vibration opposite Pluto enter the lives of three zodiac signs, we will notice something astrologically interesting: we are not only pleased, but we also understand why.   

This allows us to assess if we should continue doing what we've done to get ourselves into this circumstance or heed the warning signs, knowing that this kind of joy may only last so long.  

This is how Mercury works against Pluto to remind us of everything's impermanence. This transit also demonstrates that happiness is something we must preserve  

It's not about being overjoyed all the time, but rather about doing what's right for ourselves so that we can go about our days in peace and harmony with nature.  

On July 3, you will undoubtedly get a taste of what joyful overload is all about. On the one hand, you'll want to keep feeling this way 'forever.'  


you're also aware that this is a peak experience that will be tempered by'regular ol' life.' That's all OK.  

Mercury opposing Pluto is a tough transit for you, Libra, because it almost tricks you into thinking that your newfound happiness will stay permanently. You've come into some enormous fortune.   


July 3 is a huge milestone for you, and you feel like you can't rise any higher than this. You have accomplished something very wonderful.   

On July 3, you'll be able to enjoy one of the'side effects' of this day's transit: Mercury opposite Pluto. This manifests itself in the thought that.


you've made certain decisions in your life and have come to learn that 'this' causes sorrow and 'that' produces happiness, therefore you choose happiness.  

4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Sweet As Sugar