3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 2, 2024
On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, three zodiac signs will get closer to discovering their real destiny.
During this Neptune retrograde, we also have Mercury in Leo, two powerful aspects that may spark a 'lightbulb' moment.
When we discover our ultimate mission, we frequently take a long time to realize it.
However, the passage of Mercury in Leo on July 2 indicates that there is another path we should examine, as this might very well bring us to joy
three zodiac signs, this could be the day we learn what we are here for.
If anything is going to wake you up and show you that what you're supposed to be doing right now, it's the Mercury in Leo transit. July 2 is not an everyday day in your life, Leo.
You have always been perplexed about your place on Earth, wondering why you are here. You've craved'real' guidance, and you'll discover that all you anticipated of yourself isn't based on your own genuine desire.
You've adopted the names of all the things to which you don't actually relate in order to refer to yourself as 'this, that, or the other thing,' but none of these labels truly explain your purpose.
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